Senior Professional Assessment (SPA)
UK and MENA candidates
The Senior Professional Assessment (SPA) is suitable for surveyors who are acting at the highest level of management and no longer carry out the day-to-day tasks, focusing their role on management. SPA candidates are typically in charge of an office, department or region within a larger organisation.
Free lance surveyors or directors of a limited company without any employees do not qualify for this entry route.
During the interview, SPA candidates are assessed in accordance to the following priorities;
- Professional Competencies – 50%
- Technical Competencies – 25%
- Ethics and Professionalism – 25%
Our SPA revision module covers the three professional competencies that make up the bulk of the SPA interview (all pathways). This module will provide you with the required level 1 knowledge as well as ideas to demonstrate these competencies in your case study and throughout the interview;
- Leadership
- Managing People
- Managing Resources
If you opt to enroll in one of our pathway revision courses, you will be granted access to the SPA revision module at no extra charge upon request. Please email us to update your account.
If you do not wish to enroll in one of our complete revision courses, we strongly recommend you to consider subscribing to the Ethics, Rules of Conduct and Professionalism module as this competency represents 25% of your APC interview and is also a pass or fail competency.
As part of your submission documents, you will need to prepare;
- Your CV with a 400 word statement on your career progression and key achievements.
- 1000 to 1500 words case study on a project or business development activity that demonstrates your three professional competencies.
- 1000 to 1500 words case study on a project that demonstrates your ability to provide reasoned advice to clients in two technical competencies in your chosen pathway.
- 1000 to 1500 words case study on a project that demonstrates your ability to provide reasoned advice to clients in two other technical competencies in your chosen pathway.
We can provide personal support to write up your submission documents through one-to-one mentoring sessions. Depending on the level of support desired, 2 to 5 hours would suffice.
Following submission of your documents, we offer intensive Q&A practices through one-to-one mentoring sessions as well as formal mock interviews with two assessors. Your allocated mentor will be a highly experienced assessor in the SPA route and will be able to assist you in preparing robust answers.
Disclaimer: Please note that if you are working in a highly specialised field, you will need need to carry out private studying to supplement our training and support.
Professional Competencies
SPA Module – Professional Competencies (3 hours of formal CPD)
- Unit 1: Leadership (1 hour 10 min.)
- Unit 2: Managing People (30 minutes)
- Unit 3: Managing Resources (1 hour 15 min.)
Mandatory Competencies
Module A – RICS Regulations (2.5 hours of formal CPD)
- Unit 1: Ethics, Rules of Conduct and Professional Practice – Part 1 (1 hour)
- Unit 2: Ethics, Rules of Conduct and Professional Practice – Part 2 (1 hour)
- Unit 3: Client Care (30 minutes)
SPA Module: Professional Competencies£50.00
Module A: RICS Regulations£50.00
Mock Interview£250.00
One-to-one mentoring sessions£90.00